Pedagogisk-psykologisk forskning i urval
Naglieri, J. A., & Rojahn, J. (2004). Construct Validity of the PASS Theory and CAS: Correlations With Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(1), 174-181.
Naglieri, J. A., De Lauder, B. Y., Goldstein, S., & Schwebech, A. (2006). WISC-III and CAS: Which Correlates Higher with Achievement for a Clinical Sample?. School Psychology Quarterly, 21(1), 62
Naglieri, J. A., & Rojahn, J. (2001). Evaluation of African-American and white children in special education programs for children with mental retardation using the WISC-III and Cognitive Assessment System. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 106, 359-367.
Iseman, J. S., & Naglieri, J. A. (2011). A cognitive strategy instruction to improve math calculation for children with ADHD and LD: A randomized controlled study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44(2), 184-195.